We Restored Sanity Together


This was a community-wide grassroots victory.
Thank you.

Thank you, Sarasota County. We hope you feel as much pride as we do.
Thank you to the parents, students, and supporters who came out to school board meetings to make your voices heard.
Thank you to the local leaders who organized this community to stand up to hate and greed.
And thank you to Tom Edwards and Liz Barker for running great campaigns and being even better candidates.

Our Plan To Restore Sanity To Sarasota’s Schools

Stand United

If we stand united to defend our schools, no amount of money or media attention will be enough to allow conspiracy theorists to sabotage our children’s education.

Win Elections

While our opponents are busy throwing temper tantrums and spreading hate, we’re getting organized to make sure they never even get close to the levers of power ever again.

Education Reports

In order to keep our schools safe and inclusive for kids, we need the community to tell us what’s going on. If you encounter any extremist education policy in your children’s schools, please report it on our Education Report Card.